Source code for factory.declarations

# Copyright: See the LICENSE file.

import itertools
import logging
import typing as T

from . import enums, errors, utils

logger = logging.getLogger('factory.generate')

class BaseDeclaration(utils.OrderedBase):
    """A factory declaration.

    Declarations mark an attribute as needing lazy evaluation.
    This allows them to refer to attributes defined by other BaseDeclarations
    in the same factory.


    #: Whether this declaration has a special handling for call-time overrides
    #: (e.g. Tranformer).
    #: Overridden values will be passed in the `extra` args.

    #: Whether to unroll the context before evaluating the declaration.
    #: Set to False on declarations that perform their own unrolling.

    def __init__(self, **defaults):
        self._defaults = defaults or {}

    def unroll_context(self, instance, step, context):
        full_context = dict()

            return full_context
        if not any(enums.get_builder_phase(v) for v in full_context.values()):
            # Optimization for simple contexts - don't do anything.
            return full_context

        import factory.base
        subfactory = factory.base.DictFactory
        return step.recurse(subfactory, full_context, force_sequence=step.sequence)

    def _unwrap_evaluate_pre(self, wrapped, *, instance, step, overrides):
        """Evaluate a wrapped pre-declaration.

        This is especially useful for declarations wrapping another one,
        e.g. Maybe or Transformer.
        if isinstance(wrapped, BaseDeclaration):
            return wrapped.evaluate_pre(
        return wrapped

    def evaluate_pre(self, instance, step, overrides):
        context = self.unroll_context(instance, step, overrides)
        return self.evaluate(instance, step, context)

    def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra):
        """Evaluate this declaration.

            instance (builder.Resolver): The object holding currently computed
            step: a factory.builder.BuildStep
            extra (dict): additional, call-time added kwargs
                for the step.
        raise NotImplementedError('This is an abstract method')

class OrderedDeclaration(BaseDeclaration):

    # FIXME(rbarrois)

[docs] class LazyFunction(BaseDeclaration): """Simplest BaseDeclaration computed by calling the given function. Attributes: function (function): a function without arguments and returning the computed value. """ def __init__(self, function): super().__init__() self.function = function def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): logger.debug("LazyFunction: Evaluating %r on %r", self.function, step) return self.function()
[docs] class LazyAttribute(BaseDeclaration): """Specific BaseDeclaration computed using a lambda. Attributes: function (function): a function, expecting the current LazyStub and returning the computed value. """ def __init__(self, function): super().__init__() self.function = function def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): logger.debug("LazyAttribute: Evaluating %r on %r", self.function, instance) return self.function(instance)
[docs] class Transformer(BaseDeclaration): CAPTURE_OVERRIDES = True UNROLL_CONTEXT_BEFORE_EVALUATION = False class Force: """ Bypass a transformer's transformation. The forced value can be any declaration, and will be evaluated as if it had been passed instead of the Transformer declaration. """ def __init__(self, forced_value): self.forced_value = forced_value def __repr__(self): return f'Transformer.Force({repr(self.forced_value)})' def __init__(self, default, *, transform): super().__init__() self.default = default self.transform = transform def evaluate_pre(self, instance, step, overrides): # The call-time value, if present, is set under the "" key. value_or_declaration = overrides.pop("", self.default) if isinstance(value_or_declaration, self.Force): bypass_transform = True value_or_declaration = value_or_declaration.forced_value else: bypass_transform = False value = self._unwrap_evaluate_pre( value_or_declaration, instance=instance, step=step, overrides=overrides, ) if bypass_transform: return value return self.transform(value)
class _UNSPECIFIED: pass def deepgetattr(obj, name, default=_UNSPECIFIED): """Try to retrieve the given attribute of an object, digging on '.'. This is an extended getattr, digging deeper if '.' is found. Args: obj (object): the object of which an attribute should be read name (str): the name of an attribute to look up. default (object): the default value to use if the attribute wasn't found Returns: the attribute pointed to by 'name', splitting on '.'. Raises: AttributeError: if obj has no 'name' attribute. """ try: if '.' in name: attr, subname = name.split('.', 1) return deepgetattr(getattr(obj, attr), subname, default) else: return getattr(obj, name) except AttributeError: if default is _UNSPECIFIED: raise else: return default
[docs] class SelfAttribute(BaseDeclaration): """Specific BaseDeclaration copying values from other fields. If the field name starts with two dots or more, the lookup will be anchored in the related 'parent'. Attributes: depth (int): the number of steps to go up in the containers chain attribute_name (str): the name of the attribute to copy. default (object): the default value to use if the attribute doesn't exist. """ def __init__(self, attribute_name, default=_UNSPECIFIED): super().__init__() depth = len(attribute_name) - len(attribute_name.lstrip('.')) attribute_name = attribute_name[depth:] self.depth = depth self.attribute_name = attribute_name self.default = default def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): if self.depth > 1: # Fetching from a parent target = step.chain[self.depth - 1] else: target = instance logger.debug("SelfAttribute: Picking attribute %r on %r", self.attribute_name, target) return deepgetattr(target, self.attribute_name, self.default) def __repr__(self): return '<%s(%r, default=%r)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.attribute_name, self.default, )
[docs] class Iterator(BaseDeclaration): """Fill this value using the values returned by an iterator. Warning: the iterator should not end ! Attributes: iterator (iterable): the iterator whose value should be used. getter (callable or None): a function to parse returned values """ def __init__(self, iterator, cycle=True, getter=None): super().__init__() self.getter = getter self.iterator = None if cycle: self.iterator_builder = lambda: utils.ResetableIterator(itertools.cycle(iterator)) else: self.iterator_builder = lambda: utils.ResetableIterator(iterator) def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): # Begin unrolling as late as possible. # This helps with ResetableIterator(MyModel.objects.all()) if self.iterator is None: self.iterator = self.iterator_builder() logger.debug("Iterator: Fetching next value from %r", self.iterator) value = next(iter(self.iterator)) if self.getter is None: return value return self.getter(value)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the internal iterator.""" if self.iterator is not None: self.iterator.reset()
[docs] class Sequence(BaseDeclaration): """Specific BaseDeclaration to use for 'sequenced' fields. These fields are typically used to generate increasing unique values. Attributes: function (function): A function, expecting the current sequence counter and returning the computed value. """ def __init__(self, function): super().__init__() self.function = function def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): logger.debug("Sequence: Computing next value of %r for seq=%s", self.function, step.sequence) return self.function(int(step.sequence))
[docs] class LazyAttributeSequence(Sequence): """Composite of a LazyAttribute and a Sequence. Attributes: function (function): A function, expecting the current LazyStub and the current sequence counter. type (function): A function converting an integer into the expected kind of counter for the 'function' attribute. """ def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): logger.debug( "LazyAttributeSequence: Computing next value of %r for seq=%s, obj=%r", self.function, step.sequence, instance) return self.function(instance, int(step.sequence))
class ContainerAttribute(BaseDeclaration): """Variant of LazyAttribute, also receives the containers of the object. Attributes: function (function): A function, expecting the current LazyStub and the (optional) object having a subfactory containing this attribute. strict (bool): Whether evaluating should fail when the containers are not passed in (i.e used outside a SubFactory). """ def __init__(self, function, strict=True): super().__init__() self.function = function self.strict = strict def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): """Evaluate the current ContainerAttribute. Args: obj (LazyStub): a lazy stub of the object being constructed, if needed. containers (list of LazyStub): a list of lazy stubs of factories being evaluated in a chain, each item being a future field of next one. """ # Strip the current instance from the chain chain = step.chain[1:] if self.strict and not chain: raise TypeError( "A ContainerAttribute in 'strict' mode can only be used " "within a SubFactory.") return self.function(instance, chain) class ParameteredAttribute(BaseDeclaration): """Base class for attributes expecting parameters. Attributes: defaults (dict): Default values for the parameters. May be overridden by call-time parameters. """ def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): """Evaluate the current definition and fill its attributes. Uses attributes definition in the following order: - values defined when defining the ParameteredAttribute - additional values defined when instantiating the containing factory Args: instance (builder.Resolver): The object holding currently computed attributes step: a factory.builder.BuildStep extra (dict): additional, call-time added kwargs for the step. """ return self.generate(step, extra) def generate(self, step, params): """Actually generate the related attribute. Args: sequence (int): the current sequence number obj (LazyStub): the object being constructed create (bool): whether the calling factory was in 'create' or 'build' mode params (dict): parameters inherited from init and evaluation-time overrides. Returns: Computed value for the current declaration. """ raise NotImplementedError() class _FactoryWrapper: """Handle a 'factory' arg. Such args can be either a Factory subclass, or a fully qualified import path for that subclass (e.g 'myapp.factories.MyFactory'). """ def __init__(self, factory_or_path): self.factory = None self.module = = '' if isinstance(factory_or_path, type): self.factory = factory_or_path else: if not (isinstance(factory_or_path, str) and '.' in factory_or_path): raise ValueError( "A factory= argument must receive either a class " "or the fully qualified path to a Factory subclass; got " "%r instead." % factory_or_path) self.module, = factory_or_path.rsplit('.', 1) def get(self): if self.factory is None: self.factory = utils.import_object( self.module,, ) return self.factory def __repr__(self): if self.factory is None: return f'<_FactoryImport: {self.module}.{}>' else: return f'<_FactoryImport: {self.factory.__class__}>'
[docs] class SubFactory(BaseDeclaration): """Base class for attributes based upon a sub-factory. Attributes: defaults (dict): Overrides to the defaults defined in the wrapped factory factory (base.Factory): the wrapped factory """ # Whether to align the attribute's sequence counter to the holding # factory's sequence counter FORCE_SEQUENCE = False UNROLL_CONTEXT_BEFORE_EVALUATION = False def __init__(self, factory, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.factory_wrapper = _FactoryWrapper(factory) def get_factory(self): """Retrieve the wrapped factory.Factory subclass.""" return self.factory_wrapper.get() def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): """Evaluate the current definition and fill its attributes. Args: step: a factory.builder.BuildStep params (dict): additional, call-time added kwargs for the step. """ subfactory = self.get_factory() logger.debug( "SubFactory: Instantiating %s.%s(%s), create=%r", subfactory.__module__, subfactory.__name__, utils.log_pprint(kwargs=extra), step, ) force_sequence = step.sequence if self.FORCE_SEQUENCE else None return step.recurse(subfactory, extra, force_sequence=force_sequence)
[docs] class Dict(SubFactory): """Fill a dict with usual declarations.""" FORCE_SEQUENCE = True def __init__(self, params, dict_factory='factory.DictFactory'): super().__init__(dict_factory, **dict(params))
[docs] class List(SubFactory): """Fill a list with standard declarations.""" FORCE_SEQUENCE = True def __init__(self, params, list_factory='factory.ListFactory'): params = {str(i): v for i, v in enumerate(params)} super().__init__(list_factory, **params)
# Parameters # ========== class Skip: def __bool__(self): return False SKIP = Skip()
[docs] class Maybe(BaseDeclaration): def __init__(self, decider, yes_declaration=SKIP, no_declaration=SKIP): super().__init__() if enums.get_builder_phase(decider) is None: # No builder phase => flat value decider = SelfAttribute(decider, default=None) self.decider = decider self.yes = yes_declaration = no_declaration phases = { 'yes_declaration': enums.get_builder_phase(yes_declaration), 'no_declaration': enums.get_builder_phase(no_declaration), } used_phases = {phase for phase in phases.values() if phase is not None} if len(used_phases) > 1: raise TypeError(f"Inconsistent phases for {self!r}: {phases!r}") self.FACTORY_BUILDER_PHASE = used_phases.pop() if used_phases else enums.BuilderPhase.ATTRIBUTE_RESOLUTION def evaluate_post(self, instance, step, overrides): """Handle post-generation declarations""" decider_phase = enums.get_builder_phase(self.decider) if decider_phase == enums.BuilderPhase.ATTRIBUTE_RESOLUTION: # Note: we work on the *builder stub*, not on the actual instance. # This gives us access to all Params-level definitions. choice = self.decider.evaluate_pre( instance=step.stub, step=step, overrides=overrides) else: assert decider_phase == enums.BuilderPhase.POST_INSTANTIATION choice = self.decider.evaluate_post( instance=instance, step=step, overrides={}) target = self.yes if choice else if enums.get_builder_phase(target) == enums.BuilderPhase.POST_INSTANTIATION: return target.evaluate_post( instance=instance, step=step, overrides=overrides, ) else: # Flat value (can't be ATTRIBUTE_RESOLUTION, checked in __init__) return target def evaluate_pre(self, instance, step, overrides): choice = self.decider.evaluate_pre(instance=instance, step=step, overrides={}) target = self.yes if choice else # The value can't be POST_INSTANTIATION, checked in __init__; # evaluate it as `evaluate_pre` return self._unwrap_evaluate_pre( target, instance=instance, step=step, overrides=overrides, ) def __repr__(self): return f'Maybe({self.decider!r}, yes={self.yes!r}, no={!r})'
class Parameter(utils.OrderedBase): """A complex parameter, to be used in a Factory.Params section. Must implement: - A "compute" function, performing the actual declaration override - Optionally, a get_revdeps() function (to compute other parameters it may alter) """ def as_declarations(self, field_name, declarations): """Compute the overrides for this parameter. Args: - field_name (str): the field this parameter is installed at - declarations (dict): the global factory declarations Returns: dict: the declarations to override """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_revdeps(self, parameters): """Retrieve the list of other parameters modified by this one.""" return [] class SimpleParameter(Parameter): def __init__(self, value): super().__init__() self.value = value def as_declarations(self, field_name, declarations): return { field_name: self.value, } @classmethod def wrap(cls, value): if not isinstance(value, Parameter): return cls(value) value.touch_creation_counter() return value
[docs] class Trait(Parameter): """The simplest complex parameter, it enables a bunch of new declarations based on a boolean flag.""" def __init__(self, **overrides): super().__init__() self.overrides = overrides def as_declarations(self, field_name, declarations): overrides = {} for maybe_field, new_value in self.overrides.items(): overrides[maybe_field] = Maybe( decider=SelfAttribute( '%s.%s' % ( '.' * maybe_field.count(enums.SPLITTER), field_name, ), default=False, ), yes_declaration=new_value, no_declaration=declarations.get(maybe_field, SKIP), ) return overrides def get_revdeps(self, parameters): """This might alter fields it's injecting.""" return [param for param in parameters if param in self.overrides] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join('%s=%r' % t for t in self.overrides.items()) )
# Post-generation # =============== class PostGenerationContext(T.NamedTuple): value_provided: bool value: T.Any extra: T.Dict[str, T.Any] class PostGenerationDeclaration(BaseDeclaration): """Declarations to be called once the model object has been generated.""" FACTORY_BUILDER_PHASE = enums.BuilderPhase.POST_INSTANTIATION def evaluate_post(self, instance, step, overrides): context = self.unroll_context(instance, step, overrides) postgen_context = PostGenerationContext( value_provided=bool('' in context), value=context.get(''), extra={k: v for k, v in context.items() if k != ''}, ) return, step, postgen_context) def call(self, instance, step, context): # pragma: no cover """Call this hook; no return value is expected. Args: instance (object): the newly generated object step (bool): whether the object was 'built' or 'created' context: a declarations.PostGenerationContext containing values extracted from the containing factory's declaration """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class PostGeneration(PostGenerationDeclaration): """Calls a given function once the object has been generated.""" def __init__(self, function): super().__init__() self.function = function def call(self, instance, step, context): logger.debug( "PostGeneration: Calling %s.%s(%s)", self.function.__module__, self.function.__name__, utils.log_pprint( (instance, step), context._asdict(), ), ) create = step.builder.strategy == enums.CREATE_STRATEGY return self.function( instance, create, context.value, **context.extra)
[docs] class RelatedFactory(PostGenerationDeclaration): """Calls a factory once the object has been generated. Attributes: factory (Factory): the factory to call defaults (dict): extra declarations for calling the related factory name (str): the name to use to refer to the generated object when calling the related factory """ UNROLL_CONTEXT_BEFORE_EVALUATION = False def __init__(self, factory, factory_related_name='', **defaults): super().__init__() = factory_related_name self.defaults = defaults self.factory_wrapper = _FactoryWrapper(factory) def get_factory(self): """Retrieve the wrapped factory.Factory subclass.""" return self.factory_wrapper.get() def call(self, instance, step, context): factory = self.get_factory() if context.value_provided: # The user passed in a custom value logger.debug( "RelatedFactory: Using provided %r instead of generating %s.%s.", context.value, factory.__module__, factory.__name__, ) return context.value passed_kwargs = dict(self.defaults) passed_kwargs.update(context.extra) if passed_kwargs[] = instance logger.debug( "RelatedFactory: Generating %s.%s(%s)", factory.__module__, factory.__name__, utils.log_pprint((step,), passed_kwargs), ) return step.recurse(factory, passed_kwargs)
[docs] class RelatedFactoryList(RelatedFactory): """Calls a factory 'size' times once the object has been generated. Attributes: factory (Factory): the factory to call "size-times" defaults (dict): extra declarations for calling the related factory factory_related_name (str): the name to use to refer to the generated object when calling the related factory size (int|lambda): the number of times 'factory' is called, ultimately returning a list of 'factory' objects w/ size 'size'. """ def __init__(self, factory, factory_related_name='', size=2, **defaults): self.size = size super().__init__(factory, factory_related_name, **defaults) def call(self, instance, step, context): parent = super() return [, step, context) for i in range(self.size if isinstance(self.size, int) else self.size()) ]
class NotProvided: pass
[docs] class PostGenerationMethodCall(PostGenerationDeclaration): """Calls a method of the generated object. Attributes: method_name (str): the method to call method_args (list): arguments to pass to the method method_kwargs (dict): keyword arguments to pass to the method Example: class UserFactory(factory.Factory): ... password = factory.PostGenerationMethodCall('set_pass', password='') """ def __init__(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() if len(args) > 1: raise errors.InvalidDeclarationError( "A PostGenerationMethodCall can only handle 1 positional argument; " "please provide other parameters through keyword arguments." ) self.method_name = method_name self.method_arg = args[0] if args else NotProvided self.method_kwargs = kwargs def call(self, instance, step, context): if not context.value_provided: if self.method_arg is NotProvided: args = () else: args = (self.method_arg,) else: args = (context.value,) kwargs = dict(self.method_kwargs) kwargs.update(context.extra) method = getattr(instance, self.method_name) logger.debug( "PostGenerationMethodCall: Calling %r.%s(%s)", instance, self.method_name, utils.log_pprint(args, kwargs), ) return method(*args, **kwargs)